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Last night, I finished the only “self help” book I’ve ever read that was actually helpful. In fact, it may be the single most pivotal book I have read and will read in my adult life.
If you haven’t read Everything I Never Learned in School by Darin Colucci, I strongly recommend it! You MUST read it. In fact, I CHALLENGE YOU to read it and walk away feeling as though you have learned nothing you can apply to your life.
If you are trying to reach a goal, achieve a dream, or more productively pursue success, this is the book. I’m not being paid to say this; I’m telling you this because after having read it, I can honestly say I have changed from “This can’t be all there is, but how am I supposed to follow my calling when it seems like there are all these roadblocks?” to “There is no roadblock but me, so move out of the way, doubt, I’m coming through.”
Shout out to my cousin Gunn, who has already been kicking butt and will surely be ridiculously successful after applying these principles! Thank you for interviewing the author and sharing with us instead of keeping it a secret or waiting until it all pans out for you to tell how you got started.
Success is not defined simply by financial freedom, or wealth or status. Success to me is waking up each morning with anticipation of all the events to follow, and going to bed each night knowing that the world is positively different because I’m in it. Fourteen years ago, all I wanted to do was die. Though I have changed a lot since then, I am more grateful than ever that I survived that time in my life. Watch out world, here I come.