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I’ve always been a fan of self-improvement books, especially the motivational ones with a positive, encouraging author. Even if I continue spending most of my time relaxing, reading books and playing video games I come away feeling happier due to the outpouring of positivity. However, Darin Colucci’s Everything I Never Learned in School: A Guide to Success is one of the first self-improvement books that immediately made a change in my life. I actually had a hard time focusing on the last two chapters because I was so excited about putting the advice to work!
Everything I Never Learned in School: A Guide to Success is a step-by-step guide to finding what you want in life and going for it. Darin starts by defining, explaining and giving examples of “confident clarity” – being able to confidently state exactly what you want. Darin uses Derek Jeter as an excellent example, pointing out that in 5th grade he confidently wrote for an assignment, “I’m going to play shortstop for the New York Yankees.” From here, Darin covers fear and how to resist or overcome it, how to find good advice and ignore the bad, and the importance of a positive attitude, good manners and unwavering perseverance among other topics. Each chapter covers one specific key, including examples (either from Darin’s own life or from the lives of successful people like Steven King, Jim Carrey and Jerry Weintraub), and then recaps with The Takeaway (a bullet-point, super-brief summary) and a Task (an assignment to instill the lesson into your own life). The book then ends 10 small changes that can have great results like showing gratitude, finding the right friends and the awesomeness of to-do lists (Darin specifically says they’re awesome!).
Darin’s writing is incredibly encouraging and easy to follow. Also, because the book focuses on the overall attitudes and traits of success, they can apply to anyone in any field. As I said earlier, I enjoy self-improvement books so I’ve read a great deal of them. Much of Darin’s book has been covered in other titles, but the way he does it is much more enjoyable to read, more easily digested and – most importantly – it encourages putting into practice. Typically when I’m done with a self-improvement title I feel empowered and encouraged, but it fades away a day or so later. With Everything I Never Learned in School: A Guide to Success I was so excited that I had trouble finishing the book, and I’m already making plans to work toward my own dream. That alone makes the book a huge success in my eyes!
I really enjoyed just how unique some of the chapters were. Self-improvement books often cover the same concepts, but Darin had at least a few very unique ones: reaching out to other successful people and volunteering. Darin suggests finding someone who has found great success in a field you’re interested in and then reaching out to them. It sounds simple but Darin gives some great tips for how to do so, and he says it in a way that really makes me believe I can do it. Volunteering is something I always thought of as just something one does to help the needy, but Darin uses it like an internship that you make up yourself. Who wouldn’t want a free employee at their company? Darin is quick to point out that volunteering somewhere and then giving less than your all defeats the purpose – if you find somewhere to volunteer and learn more about what you love you should give it 100% and show them what you can do even though you’re not making a cent for it. At the least you’ll end up with a great referral, but you may even work yourself into a paying job!
There wasn’t a single page of this book I didn’t enjoy, which makes it incredibly easy to give the book 4 out of 4 stars. It’s perfectly edited, the format is superb, the writing is very enjoyable and the subject is covered excellently. Anyone who feels like they could be doing better with their life should invest in Everything I Never Learned in School: A Guide to Success by Darin Colucci. Just as I can’t think of a single flaw with the book, I can’t think of a single person who shouldn’t read this book.
Official OnlineBookClub.org review by CataclysmicKnight.
Last night, I finished the only “self help” book I’ve ever read that was actually helpful. In fact, it may be the single most pivotal book I have read and will read in my adult life.
If you haven’t read Everything I Never Learned in School by Darin Colucci, I strongly recommend it! You MUST read it. In fact, I CHALLENGE YOU to read it and walk away feeling as though you have learned nothing you can apply to your life.
If you are trying to reach a goal, achieve a dream, or more productively pursue success, this is the book. I’m not being paid to say this; I’m telling you this because after having read it, I can honestly say I have changed from “This can’t be all there is, but how am I supposed to follow my calling when it seems like there are all these roadblocks?” to “There is no roadblock but me, so move out of the way, doubt, I’m coming through.”
Shout out to my cousin Gunn, who has already been kicking butt and will surely be ridiculously successful after applying these principles! Thank you for interviewing the author and sharing with us instead of keeping it a secret or waiting until it all pans out for you to tell how you got started.
Success is not defined simply by financial freedom, or wealth or status. Success to me is waking up each morning with anticipation of all the events to follow, and going to bed each night knowing that the world is positively different because I’m in it. Fourteen years ago, all I wanted to do was die. Though I have changed a lot since then, I am more grateful than ever that I survived that time in my life. Watch out world, here I come.
Success on all levels requires believing in yourself, perseverance, and the information Darin provides in this book. This is how you Move Ever Forward.
Looking for a practical guide to success? Darin Colucci breaks it down in “Everything I Never Learned in School” #SharkTools
I LOVE Darin’s book and wish I had read it years ago. Even though I spend every day trying to make my dreams come true – and I’ve been wildly successful at reaching many of my goals — Darin’s book gave me the extra dose of courage I needed to make some other dreams happen and get the results I had been seeking. After reading, I immediately took three risks and did three things I had been scared of doing – and they all came to fruition for me. I wish I had read this book back when I was 20. I’m now well past that age and completely ready, willing, and able to embrace Darin’s tried-and-true techniques. The biggest thing he taught me is to not take “No” for an answer and that there is always a way around an obstacle. Darin is a talented and gifted motivational writer, and deserves an amazing career as a motivational speaker. We are all lucky to hear his confidence-building words of wisdom. This book is a game-changer, and an inspiration to people of all ages – not just young adults. With his type of inspiration and targeted strategies, Darin is going to give Tony Robbins a run for his money.
Everything I Never Learned in School about How to Be Successful
by Darin Colucci
A debut self-improvement manual provides illustrations of common wisdom as well as uncommon tips for attaining success.
From this book’s beginning, the aspect that sets it apart from other self-help titles is the bevy of anecdotes that Colucci offers: short narratives that illuminate the points the author wants to make about goal-setting, affirmations, and beliefs. Whether discussing superstars like Michael Jordan or business gurus like the founder of SPANX, the author uses personal narratives to show the reader that moguls, famous athletes, and celebrities are just normal people who decided to take control of their lives and render their visions into reality. Tools are the author’s focus rather than concepts or abstractions. For example, midway through the volume, the author recounts a story about applying for legal jobs after law school. He needed a professional resume but didn’t have the money required. He then decided that because he could no longer bolster his hiring chances with academic pursuits, buying a resume service was the only way to increase his odds of getting interviews. He found a way to amass the funds and make the purchase, resulting in interviews everywhere he sent his resume. The moral of the story, a unique takeaway from the book, is to never skimp on investing in yourself.
The author also suggests that volunteering becomes a self-investment, as it builds connections, knowledge, and skills toward ultimate career goals. But perhaps one of the work’s best features is its emphasis on the value of respect, honesty, and kindness. Colucci supplies several anecdotes about the power of human connection, demonstrating that the way a person interacts with others dictates far more about success than one realizes. From husbands and wives to business partners and clients—fair, honest treatment goes much further than pressure, manipulation, and aggression. In all, the author delivers memorable stories that should help any reader stay on a path to success.
A vivid, useful guide to setting, achieving, and maintaining lifetime goals.
It may have been intended for young people choosing their path in this world, but I guarantee, you will find this book fascinating and its philosophy will inspire you to reach for those dreams and make them a reality, whether you are just making your way, or in your 50s like me. I recommend this book heartily, and suggest you buy a few extra for your family members—you will not want to share yours, as you will refer back to it often and the notes you take in it will keep you moving forward.
I was fortunate enough to find this book at a decisive time in my life. With so much going on in the world, it is extremely difficult to set a concrete path to succeed and follow that path with faith and confidence. At 31 years old, this book gave me the road map, motivation, and excitement to meet life head-on. I would recommend this book to any person of any age. Keep an open mind and enjoy!
Great advice for any age, stage of life. I can’t wait for my high school/college age kids to read it. In this day and age of instant gratification, Colucci’s book re-iterates the need for goal setting, establishing a plan, working toward it, believing in yourself and never giving up. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes persistence, determination, and quiet confidence. Failure isn’t the end of the world but the beginning of taking the next step. He lists several stories of well-known dreamers/ achievers to prove the point. A great stocking stuffer for college kids of all ages.
If anyone is looking for a great read, I’d check this book out. The author does a great job of giving examples of how he’s been able to apply each of his concepts in this book to his life and also details other famous people’s success and how they’ve applied these same concepts. Darin really gets to the point, showing you easy ways to implement these concepts day in and day out. It’s hard for me to dial in and finish a book sometimes, but I’ll say this one was hard to put down. I truly believe the time invested in reading this book will be well worth it, it just may change your life. Thanks Darin!
After having read so many self-help and transformation books, I loved the simplicity of this “must read.” The author uses compelling and inspirational stories that engaged me as a reader. The stories were from his own person successes and others that have followed these simple recommendations. It truly is something that all people, teens as well as adults, will find value from. In addition, the book is not just descriptive but also prescriptive. The author invites you to act immediately, which resonated with me as a college professor—learning always occurs from action and repetition. I highly recommend this as a personal investment in yourself and loved ones!